Friday, June 22, 2012


                              FOREIGN POLICY OF NEPAL
Characteristics of the foreign policy of Nepal :-

The foreign policy of any country is based on her geographical, political, social, economical, intellectual historical and religious background. Of all these elements of the foreign policy the geographical relation is very potential for the connection of the friendly and hostile relation with her neighbourning country. By the geogtraphical postion with a ‘yam’ situated between the two powers and is a small ‘buffer’ state. Prithivinarayan Shah, the founder of modern Nepal had compared Nepal’s geographical position with a ‘yam’ situated between two big stones. Nepal’s position sis just like Yam because she is between two big powers.
In his ‘Dibyopadesh’ (royal speech) he told his countiers that they must have to continue good friendly relations with china. He further added that they should keep friendly relations with the emperor of the south. But he very clever and diplomat, he had captured whole Hindustan.

Nepal is and independent country whatever geographical position she has. The Nepalese kbnow how to deal friendly relations with these two powerful neighbours. It would be unfarsightedness to Nepal to play hostile role against anyone of the two. Nepalese feel vanity and pride that even to this day they had never been subjugated by any power. We Nepalese are capable to safeguard our sovereignty and independence. In spite of all that we had been quite aloof from world politics for hundred and four years. Nepal entered into international field after the political change of 1950-51. After the revolution of 2007 B.S.Nepal made her political approach with china, soviet Russia, France and japan. In1955 (2012 B.S.) Nepal took membership in the United Nationals Organization.
From 1961 (2018 B.S.) Nepal Began to participate in non-aligned summit conference.  

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